Furnace Oil Manufacturers

Are you searching for Furnace Oil Manufacturers in Australia? Your search ends here! Businessetu has compiled a list of leading Furnace Oil Manufacturers from India, connecting you with India's top exporters known for their exceptional quality and competitive prices. Thanks to India's improved trade policy and close relations with Australia, exports are easy.

Whether you need customized Furnace Oil, our marketplace offers comprehensive options to meet your requirements. Discover the benefits of sourcing from India and get in touch with reliable manufacturers today to get high-quality Furnace Oil at unbeatable prices. With a strong infrastructure and efficient logistics network, Indian suppliers can ensure on-time delivery to Australia and fulfill your business needs quickly and effectively.

Furnace Oil Manufacturers

Product Specification of Furnace Oil

Specification Details
Product Name Furnace Oil
Manufacturing Standards ASTM D396, IS 1593
Density 0.92 - 0.96 g/cm³ (at 15°C)
Viscosity 180-380 cSt (at 50°C)
Calorific Value 9,800 - 10,500 kcal/kg
Flash Point Minimum 66°C
Sulfur Content Varies (typically 1% to 3.5% by weight)
Ash Content Maximum 0.1% by weight
Pour Point Below 30°C
Water Content Maximum 1% by volume
Sediment Content Maximum 0.1% by weight
Carbon Residue Maximum 10% by weight
Copper Strip Corrosion Not more than No. 3
Applications Industrial heating, boilers, furnaces, kilns
Packaging Bulk, Drums, ISO Tanks
Compliance Meets international standards, ISO certified
Availability Custom formulations available upon request

Application of Furnace Oil

Industrial Heating, Boilers, Furnaces, Kilns, Power Plants, Baking Ovens, Metal Processing, Glass Manufacturing, Chemical Processing, Textile Industry.

Types of Furnace Oil
Light Furnace Oil (LFO)
Heavy Furnace Oil (HFO)
Low Sulfur Furnace Oil (LSFO)
High Sulfur Furnace Oil (HSFO)
Blended Furnace Oil
Residual Fuel Oil
Industrial Furnace Oil
Marine Furnace Oil
Manufacturing Process of Furnace Oil
  • Crude Oil Distillation: Crude oil is heated and distilled in a distillation column to separate its components based on boiling points.
  • Atmospheric Distillation: In the atmospheric distillation unit, lighter fractions such as gasoline and diesel are separated, leaving behind heavier fractions.
  • Vacuum Distillation: The remaining heavy fractions undergo vacuum distillation to extract valuable components like lubricating oils and heavier fuel oils, including Furnace Oil.
  • Blending: The extracted heavy fractions are blended with specific additives to achieve the desired viscosity, sulfur content, and other properties required for Furnace Oil.
  • Desulfurization (Optional): If low sulfur content is required, the blended oil may undergo desulfurization to reduce sulfur levels and meet regulatory standards.
  • Quality Testing: The blended Furnace Oil is tested for density, viscosity, calorific value, sulfur content, flash point, and other specifications to ensure it meets industry standards.
  • Storage and Packaging: The final product is stored in tanks and packaged in bulk containers, drums, or ISO tanks for distribution.
  • Distribution: The packaged Furnace Oil is transported to various industrial clients, power plants, and other users.